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Minicraft Wiki

Weapons are tools that are used to deal damage, ranging from swords to bow, or other things. They can be found in dungeon chests.


Swords use 5 wood and 5 of their resource. The Wood and Stone swords are crafted by workbench, while the rest are crafted with anvils. Stamina values are unconfirmed.

Icon Type Damage Stamina
Wood Sword Wood 10-20 5
Rock Sword Rock 15-25 4
Iron Sword Iron 20-30 1
Gold Sword Gold 25-35 2
Gem Sword Gem 30-40 1


One stamina is always used with every bow-shot. 5 wood, 2 string, and 5 of their resource is used on a workbench to craft(ex: wood bow needs 5 wood and 5 string, and rock needs 5 wood, 2 string, and 5 stone).

Icon Type Damage
Wood Bow Wood 3-4
Rock Bow Rock 4-5
Iron Bow Iron 5-6
Gold Bow Gold 6-7
Gem Bow Gem 7-8


Claymores need one sword of their resource and 15 shards to craft. Wood and stone can only be found in Dungeon Chests(unconfirmed).

Icon Type Damage Stamina
Wood Claymore Wood 10-25 4
Rock Claymore Rock 20-35 4
Iron Claymore Iron 30-45 3
Gold Claymore Gold 40--55 2
Gem Claymore Gem 50-65 1