The Underground is the stony belly of the world. There is no day-night cycle here, and hostile mobs are found in great numbers.
The staircases leading to the Underground can be found anywhere in the stone biome in the Overworld.
Finding the staircases leading to the second and third levels of the Underground can be found in the Underground.however, the staircases leading to the second and third levels of the Underground are hard to find.
Stairs to the Underground will naturally generate in the Overworld. Upon first entering the Underground, it will be completely dark except for a small circle of light that surrounds the player. The player will spawn in the Overworld where you put the bed in the underground when you die.
Abundant features of the Underground depend on how deep the player is. Spikes,found on all levels of the Underground,can be mined by the player to receive valuable ore.Water is found on the second level of the Underground. Lava is found on the third level of the Underground.and the dungeon level is found. Stronger Mobs appear the further you go. The maximum number of mobs is 300. The Player will need to bring torches and lanterns.
There is a dungeon structure made of obsidian surrounding the staircase that leads you to The Dungeon.
Every type of hostile mob except passive mobs,knights and snakes will spawn freely in the Underground until lighting such as torches or lanterns are installed.