Minicraft Wiki


Minicraft Wiki

For the stronger variant of stone,see Hard Rock.

Rock is a Tile in Minicraft that is common in stone and cave Biomes. It is located in the Overworld and more commonly Underground. It can be obtained by being dug out with any tool or with the fist, however, this process is made quicker by using a pickaxe. It gives the Player 0-4 stone and 0-1 Coal. Natural Stone has 50 health.


Stone is used in the crafting of Rock Tools, Furnaces, Haste Potion, Arrows, Stone Bricks and Ovens.


Stone and Coal on Ground

Stone and coal items on the ground


  • On the surface, Staircases can only be found near or encased in stone.
  • If you mine stone on the Overworld, it will always reveal a layer of Dirt underneath.
  • Stone that blocks the staircase which leads to the Sky World would refer to obsidian.