Minicraft Wiki


Minicraft Wiki

Mobs are a key part of Minicraft. They are the main antagonist of the game, and they are the primary threat. Through their deaths, the player can obtain many different items, like Cloth and Slime. However, Skeletons and Creepers do not appear in regular Minicraft, they only appear in Minicraft Plus. All mobs will die in one hit when the Player hits them in Creative. They will also deal knockback if touched in Survival and the Player also deals knockback to them if hit. The maximum damage assuming if on Hard difficulty. Mobs can trample crops and walk everywhere the Player can except water, lava, and holes. When you hit mobs, they blink white for a moment. Mobs don't spawn when the mob count reaches the maximum amount in Minicraft Plus. Mobs will take 4 damage if they are inside a tile.


Animals are passive mobs that do not hurt the player and spawn on grass in the Overworld. They drop meat which can be cooked and eaten and sheeps can be sheared. Animals only appear in Minicraft Plus.

Icon Name Health Drops
Cow Cow 10 1-2 Raw Beef, 1-2 Leather
Pig Pig 8 1-2 Raw Pork
Sheep Sheep 8 1-2 Raw Beef, 1-2 Wool


Monsters are hostile mobs and try to hurt the player. They spawn in any level in the world and despawn when they have been around too long. Monsters have different colors depending on the level they spawn on. In Minicraft Plus, monsters only spawn at night (mod added day/night cycle). Snakes and knights have two extra color variants, Red and Blue, and all spawn on The Dungeon. Knights have the colors black, blue, red and pink. Snakes have the colors green, blue, red and pink. They can do knockback to the Player.

As of in Minicraft Plus 2.0.7, mobs don't go after players that are in Creative.

Color All
Green Overworld, underground all levels, appiles to zombies, creepers,

skeletons and snakes in the dungeon.

Pink Underground all levels and the dungeon, appiles to all mobs.
Gray Underground 2-3rd Levels, applies to zombies, creepers and skeletons.
Black Sky World, Underground 3rd level the dungeon,applies zombies,creepers, skeletons and snakes.
Blue The dungeon,applies to snakes and knights.
Red The dungeon,applies to snakes and knights.


Zombies drop 0-2 cloth and rarely iron and potatoes. They deal damage to the player by just walking into you. They can be found in the overworld, sky world and all underground levels.

Icon Color Damage Health
Green Zombie Green 2 10
Pink Zombie Pink 3 40
Gray Zombie Gray 4 90
Black Zombie Black 5 160


Slimes drop 0-2 slime. They deal damage to the player by just hopping towards you. They can be found in the overworld, the sky world and all underground levels.

Icon Color Damage Health
Green Slime Green 1 2
Pink Slime Pink 2 8
Gray Slime Gray 3 16
Black Slime Black 4 32


Skeletons drop 0-2 arrows, 0-2 bones, and the rare antidious, which can be read by pressing C. They can shoot arrows at the Player or touch the Player to deal damage. Mobs will take damage from arrows from skeletons. They can be found in the overworld, sky world and all underground levels.

Icon Color Damage Health
Green Skeleton Green 1 12
Pink Skeleton Pink 2 48
Gray Skeleton Gray 3 108
Black Skeleton Black 4 192


Creepers drop 0-2 gunpowder, They deal damage by exploding on the Player after the Player touches it which deals 1 damage on contact and to all blocks except obsidian walls at a certain radius. They can be found in the overworld, the sky world and all underground levels.

Icon Color Damage Health Radius Block Damage
Creeper Green 6 20 3 51
Pink Creeper Pink 12 80 5 101
Gray Creeper Gray 18 180 6 151
Black Creeper Black 24 320 7 201


Snakes drop 0-2 scales and 0-1 keys. They deal damage to the player by just slittering towards you. They can be found in the dungeon.

Icon Color Damage Health
Green Snake Green 2 14
Blue Snake Blue 3 64
Red Snake Red 4 144
Pink Snake Pink 5 256


Knights drop 0-2 shards and 0-1 keys. They deal damage to the player by walking into you. They can be found in the dungeon.

Icon Color Damage Health
Green Knight Green 2 18
Blue Knight Blue 4 18
Red Knight Red 6 162
Pink Knight Pink 8 288


Air Wizard (II)[]

Icon Damage Health Tier
Air Wizard 1-2 2,000 I
Air Wizard II 1-2 5,000 II
