Minicraft Wiki


Minicraft Wiki

Hit Points, also referred to as Health Points or HP, are a measure of how much damage is done to the Player or an object. The numbers that appear represent how much damage is done. The health bar consists 10 hearts. When hit, Mobs and Players have 6 ticks of invulnerability. Blocks have no invulunerability. The icon of HP are hearts.


Mobs have a varying set of health that is decided by their color. Using a Sword will do more damage to a mob.The sound when mobs take damage is mob hurt/block breaking sound.

Mobs can drop items ranging 0-4, and a rare item.


The Player will start with 10 HP (Infinite in Creative). This can be restored using health or regeneration potions or Hunger level is 6 and above. You will take damage when you hit mobs, the stamina or hunger is at zero, The sound when the player takes damage is the player hurt sound.The Player cannot die in Creative mode in Minicraft Plus.


Blocks also have a varying amount of health. The amount of health per block is dependent on the block type. Block health will decrease faster depending on the type of tool used. Blocks are destroyed and Mobs die instantly in one hit on Creative mode.The sound when breaking a block is the same.

These will drop one or two items like mobs or none if destroyed.


Both the Player and Mobs can die. When a mob dies, it will usually leave behind one or two items at a range of 0-4 or a rare item.

When the player dies in Hardcore mode, the world is deleted and he or she is forced to start the game all over again from the beginning. However, if you want load the world you died on, press play, load game, select the world name on the load game screen and the world you died on, and you will load from where you saved. Minicraft Plus. Players respawn when they die and leave Death Chests that can be retrived by the player and despawn in and leave items when on Survival and Score modes, the world is deleted in Hardcore. Death Chests flash red when at 30 seconds before they despawn. Items drop when Death Chests despawn. The Death Chests despawn time depending on difficulty. In Easy and Normal, Death Chests will despawn in 2 minutes. In Hard difficulty, Death Chests despawn in 30 seconds.
