Minicraft Wiki


Minicraft Wiki

Crafting is a key part of Minicraft. The Player is able to craft Tools, Lanterns, and other crafting stations using Resources. To place down a Crafting Station, just open your inventory (press X), select the station you want to place by using the arrows keys and pressing C. Get out of the inventory (press X again), and place it by pressing C.

Icon Name Uses Recipe
Workbench Workbench Wood/Stone Tools, Armor, other Crafting Stations, etc. 20xWood(10xWood in Minicraft+)
Furnace Furnace Smelt Ores, make Glass 20xStone
Oven Oven Bread, cook Meat 15xStone
Anvil Anvil Bucket, better Tools and Armor 5xIron
Enchanter Enchanter Potions, Gold Apple, Totem of air and Totem of wind 10xLapis 2xString 5xWood
Loom Loom Clothes, Colored Wool, String, Beds, Leather Armor 10xWood 5xWool

In Minicraft plus, there is the basic crafting, which is very essential assuming you start without items, it is a menu where you can craft a Workbench, Wood Planks, Plank Walls, Wood Doors ,etc, it is accessed by default pressing the Z key.

Complete recipe list[]

Crafting station Name (Amount) Recipe
N/A Workbench 10xWood
N/A Torch (2) 1xWppd 1xCoal
N/A Wood Planks (2) 1xWood
N/A Plank Wall 3xWood Planks
N/A Wood Door 5xWood Planks

